Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Ba-Gua is one of the main tools used to analyze the feng shui of any given space. Translated from Chinese, it literally means "8 areas".

The 8 directions used in the Feng Shui Ba Gua are the following: North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, and Northwest. Each direction has an Element, Color, and Life Area associated with it. Below is the summary of the eight feng shui guas.

North (compass reading from 337.5 to 22.5)
Element: Water
Color(s): Blue and Black
Life Area: Career/Path in Life.

Northeast (compass reading from 22.5 to 67.5)
Element: Earth
Color(s): Beige, Light Yelow, and Sandy/Earthy
Life Area: Spiritual Growth/Self-Cultivation.

East (compass reading from 67.5 to 112.5)
Element: Wood
Color(s): Brown and Green
Life Area: Health & Family.

Southeast (compass reading from 112.5 to 157.5)
Element: Wood
Color(s): Brown and Green
Life Area: Prosperity & Abundance.

South (compass reading from 157.5 to 202.5)
Element: Fire
Color(s): Red, Orange, Purple, and Bright Yellow
Life Area: Fame & Reputation.

Southwest (compass reading from 202.5 to 247.5)
Element: Earth
Color(s): Beige, Light Yelow, and Sandy/Earthy
Life Area: Love & Marriage.

West (compass reading from 247.5 to 292.5)
Element: Metal
Color(s): White and Gray
Life Area: Creativity/Children.

Northwest (compass reading from 292.2 to 337.5)
Element: Metal
Color(s): White and Gray
Life Area: Helpful People/Blessings.

Simply stated, Ba Gua is the energy map of any given space that gives you guidance on creating the most harmonious energy flow in your space.

Also Known As: Pakua, Pa Kua

Source: Rodika Tchi

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